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My Story

  "Sometimes it's hard to know what's the truth or what's the lie, but sometimes it's better to not know".


Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm just one of those girls around. I'm a really weird person and I'm shy around people but when you get to know me I'm not "that" shy! I'll be very open but at some point I may or may not tell you a whole lot about me. The quote above is one of my favorite that I made up. Some people might've already made it though without me knowing. I'm a pretty clumsy person. I'm just in highschool and the rest... you either have to guess or just don't mind it, becuase I won't tell. Anything that includes my "rl" life might not be answered. But if you have any other questions or just want to be friends with me sure! 


About my art:  I'm pretty unexperienced but I know what looks good or not. I may or may not follower the principle but then again it's just me being random! I can make renders or just some "Signatures" which is a photo edited and your name with or without a quote. I also do other stuff, but the last thing I would want to do is Draw. It's not that I'm bad I'm just inexperienced and I still don't trust my drawing skills. Other than those then I will do!


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